Meat Sauce – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

  4 pers. What you need: 400 grams of minced beef150 grams of diced onion4-6 cloves finely chopped garlic2 tbsp. oil350 grams coarsely grated root vegetables2 cans chopped tomatoes1 can concentrated…

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Summer To Keep You on Track

The temperature is rising, which can only mean one thing: Summer is here!  Warmer weather promises beach days, picnics, barbecues, fairs, and festivals. And there’s no better way to enjoy…

How to Make a Digestion Tincture

This digestion tincture is by far the most used tincture in my home remedy cabinet. It’s simple to make, but effective against lots of digestive issues. If you’re dealing with…

Easy DIY Sunscreen Stick

I’ve had fun lately creating several different varieties of lotion bars. I started with the basic recipe and realized the options were truly endless for variations. Sometimes I’ll use a…

1200-Calorie Diet: Is It Realistic?

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MSc, RD, CSCS If Jerry Seinfeld were into health and fitness he’d ask, “What’s the deal with the 1200-Calorie diet?” (Thanks for the joke, Dad.)…

Mango raw food with spit bowl – Recipe

  This raw food with mango is one of the very popular raw food salads when it comes to the buffet at Ubberup Højskole. It is the special mix between sweet,…

Chicken Crust Pizza

Growing up pizza night was always a big hit in our house. I’ve since implemented it with my own kids and they’re big pizza fans as well. Instead of ordering…

Homemade Healing Salve

Last week, within the span of one day, three of my kids needed a Band-Aid for some reason. With six kids who like to climb, jump, and live in their…

Easy DIY Face Wipes

Sometimes I’ll whip up a batch of disinfecting reusable wipes for cleaning with. I decided to experiment with making something similar for my facial routine. These DIY face wipes may…

Low calorie diet but no results? Here’s help

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MSc, RD, CSCS “My client says they’re eating a super low calorie diet, but they’re not getting results… What should I do?!” We see variations…

How big is a ‘portion’ really?

  What exactly is a serving? A portion of ice cream, a portion of dinner or a portion of mixed salad has, at least as a starting point, different sizes. And…

Honey Sesame Dressing Recipe

I’ve had a love of Asian food for a long time. From fast food Chinese as a teen to dining out at Japanese restaurants as an adult. Over the years…

DIY Calming Sleep Lotion

Over the years I’ve adopted a few basic habits that have really helped transform my health. Prioritizing quality sleep is one of those habits. This calming sleep lotion uses the…

Binge Eating: 6 Steps to Food Freedom

Reviewed by Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD I never thought I’d be a “normal” eater. For a long time, my best hope at peace was to keep my kitchen empty. Just…

Banana Pancakes – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

Do you love pancakes for breakfast – or as a little afternoon snack?Here you get a recipe for Ubberup Højskole’s very popular banana pancakes, which are both juicy and crispy…

Fresh Basil Pesto Recipe

One of the hardest adjustments when adapting to our grain-free lifestyle was finding substitutes for classic Italian foods. Ingredients like pasta, mozzarella cheese, and gnocchi are harder when you’re gluten-free…

Herbal Sunburn Soothing Ice Cubes

Since our family moved near the beach several years ago, we find ourselves there a lot. While I’m all for healthy sun exposure, sunburn ideally isn’t a part of that.…

3 Natural Coconut Oil Lotion Recipes

I’ve gone through quite a few jars of coconut oil over the years. Our family has used it in everything from coffee to toothpaste to sunscreen. One of the most…

Is Body Fat Good or Bad For You?

Reviewed by Eric Helms, PhD, CSCS About a year ago, a plus-sized yoga teacher caused a minor scandal. Specifically, Gatorade ran a series of ads that featured Jessamyn Stanley—an established…

Quick Curry – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

This easy curry dish requires no equipment other than a pan and a saucepan. We make our dishes as simple as possible, so it is easy to make dinner with good…

Asian Ginger Vinaigrette Recipe

We don’t go out to eat often, but when we do, I love Japanese food. It’s relatively easy to find gluten-free dishes, and the salads and stir fry are wonderful There’s even…

Home Remedies For Nausea

Indigestion, motion sickness, morning sickness… all of us experience nausea at some point. I still remember a particularly bad case of food poisoning from years ago! Dealing with nausea is…

Magnesium and Salt Water for Skin

I’m a big fan of natural sea salt and magnesium. Not only is salt important in food but salt water is an increasingly popular ingredient in skincare products for healthier…

Should You Track Your Macros?

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the foundation of any diet. These nutrients fall into a nutritional category called macronutrients, or “macros.” And if…

7 OMELETTE IDEAS FOR BREAKFAST – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

An omelet is a morning classic made from beaten eggs seasoned with salt and pepper, sometimes with a little milk or cream added. They love it in its pure form, adding…

Whip Up This Single-Serve High-Protein Brownie Recipe in Minutes

There are times when digging into an indulgent chocolate brownie is 100 percent worth it, whether it’s your birthday, the annual holiday party, or some other special occasion. But when…

Why We Need Minerals (Plus a Mineral Drink Recipe!)

Thanks to modern farming practices, our food has less than 50% of the minerals it used to. Even our drinking water is mineral depleted. Getting enough takes a little more…

Should You Use Tallow for Skincare?

What do old McDonald’s french fries and my skincare routine have in common? They both use tallow! While I don’t eat or recommend fast food fries, tallow is a nourishing…

Eating Kimchi Can Reduce Risk of Obesity, or Can It?

Over the past few years, kimchi has become one of the trendier health foods. The traditional Korean dish made of fermented cabbage and/or radishes started popping up everywhere: on tacos,…

Importance of Micronutrients & Where They Fit In Your Diet

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Growing up, we learn that vitamins and minerals are essential for health. (We all took those animal-shaped multis, right?) But what does that…


Greens and vegetables should be loved. First, it is the most diverse type of product. From tender spinach, tangy tarragon and deep, bitter chicory to crunchy peppers, soft, sweet tomato, tender zucchini…

5 Ingredients to Add to Pizza That Aren’t “Glue”

The homemade pizza you have worked all day on is finally ready to eat. The sauce, cheese, herbs and spices all smell absolutely fantastic, and it looks cooked to perfection.…