AVOCADO TOAST – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

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Good breakfast. A cool snack if breakfast was light and there was still time before lunch. But as with any dish, the quality of the ingredients comes first. The best bread, ripe avocados, the tastiest olive oil. And there will be toast. I’ll tell you about mine (and frequent visitors to Goodwine or Courage Bazaar will probably recognize him).

How to make avocado toast

proportions for 1 avocado

1 avocado haas

2-3 slices of natural sourdough whole wheat bread (pictured is Josie Baker’s bread from Good Wine)

1 cherry tomato

2-4 sprigs of cilantro


a pinch of chili flakes

juice of 1/4 lemon

olive oil

Cut the avocado in half and carefully remove the pit. With a sharp knife, make cuts into cubes in each of the halves and, using a tablespoon, remove the already chopped pulp. Cut cherry tomatoes into small pieces, chop cilantro. Mix with avocado and mash well with a fork, spoon or hands.

The avocado should turn into a mousse with small pieces of tender pulp. Season with delicious cold-pressed oil, salt (delicious Himalayan, with a characteristic hydrogen sulfide smell or smoked salt), chili (or freshly ground black pepper if you do not like spicy) and lemon juice. Dry the bread in a hot dry pan. Spread the avocado mousse on top.

Such a toast can be not only a quick and tasty breakfast, but sometimes a good “garnish” for dinner.

Good toppings (optional and for variety, avocado toast is good on its own):

  • more greens: mint, tarragon
  • pumpkin or sunflower seeds
  • smoked paprika or smoked chili
  • sesame

How to choose an avocado

  1. We sell two types – with green and brown peel. With brown, everything is simple, as a rule, it is a Haas avocado and there are almost zero problems with it. Inside the dense peel, it almost always has already ripened to softness and sweetness, so we choose haas with a dry and clean stalk and without dents in the peel.
  2. With green varieties of avocado, everything is more complicated. They come in the shape of a ball, in the shape of a pear, small and large. Big ones, as a rule, call “elites”. By their thin skin, it is very easy to determine the maturity of an avocado.
  3. The peel should be dense, without scratches and dents, without brown spots, and when pressed with a finger, it should be a little creased. Such a fruit will be almost ripe. You need to choose dense enough, but not stone.
  4. You can ripen avocados at home, not in the refrigerator. Just put it in a paper bag or cloth and hide it in a cool dark place (for example, on a shelf with cereals). There is also an opinion that avocados ripen faster in the company of apples or bananas. That is when to lie with each other.
  5. Sometimes avocados may not ripen. Lie, lie and rot. You must endure this loss with steadfastness. As well as rare cases of buying a seemingly whole, but spoiled fruit. Avocado is not our local product and it is brought from afar. Anything happens.
  6. I repeat, with avocado haas there are the least problems and immaturities

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