Delicious summer smoothies | FlightsHotelsBook

  Smoothies are a delicious offer for a healthy snack – and can also be used as a fresh alternative to a dessert. You can make it with just the flavors…

One Pot Soup Vegetarian – Recipe

  Every week we have a vegetarian day at Ubberup Højskole, and this wonderful soup is one of the students’ big favorites. It is filled with delicious, crispy vegetables – and…

Do you put junk food in the corner of shame?

  Have you seen the TV2 program “The Junkfood Experiment”? In short, it is a TV program where we follow four well-known Danes who have agreed to only consume junk food…

Hot pearls with spinach – Recipe

  4 people With this recipe you get a delicious alternative accessory – instead of, for example, potatoes or pasta.It requires a little preparation, as the pearl barley must be…

Meat Sauce – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

  4 pers. What you need: 400 grams of minced beef150 grams of diced onion4-6 cloves finely chopped garlic2 tbsp. oil350 grams coarsely grated root vegetables2 cans chopped tomatoes1 can concentrated…

1200-Calorie Diet: Is It Realistic?

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MSc, RD, CSCS If Jerry Seinfeld were into health and fitness he’d ask, “What’s the deal with the 1200-Calorie diet?” (Thanks for the joke, Dad.)…

Mango raw food with spit bowl – Recipe

  This raw food with mango is one of the very popular raw food salads when it comes to the buffet at Ubberup Højskole. It is the special mix between sweet,…

Low calorie diet but no results? Here’s help

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MSc, RD, CSCS “My client says they’re eating a super low calorie diet, but they’re not getting results… What should I do?!” We see variations…

How big is a ‘portion’ really?

  What exactly is a serving? A portion of ice cream, a portion of dinner or a portion of mixed salad has, at least as a starting point, different sizes. And…

Binge Eating: 6 Steps to Food Freedom

Reviewed by Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD I never thought I’d be a “normal” eater. For a long time, my best hope at peace was to keep my kitchen empty. Just…

Banana Pancakes – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

Do you love pancakes for breakfast – or as a little afternoon snack?Here you get a recipe for Ubberup Højskole’s very popular banana pancakes, which are both juicy and crispy…

Is Body Fat Good or Bad For You?

Reviewed by Eric Helms, PhD, CSCS About a year ago, a plus-sized yoga teacher caused a minor scandal. Specifically, Gatorade ran a series of ads that featured Jessamyn Stanley—an established…

Quick Curry – Recipe | FlightsHotelsBook

This easy curry dish requires no equipment other than a pan and a saucepan. We make our dishes as simple as possible, so it is easy to make dinner with good…

Should You Track Your Macros?

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the foundation of any diet. These nutrients fall into a nutritional category called macronutrients, or “macros.” And if…

7 OMELETTE IDEAS FOR BREAKFAST – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

An omelet is a morning classic made from beaten eggs seasoned with salt and pepper, sometimes with a little milk or cream added. They love it in its pure form, adding…

Importance of Micronutrients & Where They Fit In Your Diet

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Growing up, we learn that vitamins and minerals are essential for health. (We all took those animal-shaped multis, right?) But what does that…


Greens and vegetables should be loved. First, it is the most diverse type of product. From tender spinach, tangy tarragon and deep, bitter chicory to crunchy peppers, soft, sweet tomato, tender zucchini…

All about fats Which fats are healthiest? Are there such things as “unhealthy fats”? All your answers here.

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Are there “good” and “bad” fats? And how much fat, exactly, should a health-conscious person strive to eat? In this article, we’ll talk…

What Do I Do With Foods That Don’t Easily Fit My Macros?

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Not all foods fit into neat macro categories. Meeting your macro goals can seem simple on paper or on an orderly spreadsheet, but…


Tofu is a product of controversy. Some people love it and cook it in different ways, the second part does not understand at all what is happening and how one can…

Everything You Need to Know About Calculating Your Daily Calorie Needs

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Calorie manipulation—whether to lose weight or gain muscle—seems simple. After all, it’s just math… right? Sort of. But it’s tricky. Your body is a…

6 ways to make soup even better – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

Have you ever cooked soup, but something is missing and you start thinking, what else to add? Or, in the process of cooking, you look that you seem to have thrown…

How to Do Hand Portion Math to Track Your Macros

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD There are so many ways to track your nutritional intake. It can seem overwhelming to pick an (accurate) method that works for you.…

MORNING SMOOTHIE BOWL – SUPERFOOD – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

Increasing the concentration of nutrients in a dish like a smoothie bowl is easy. The main thing is to choose 1) high-quality 2) a variety of ingredients and 3) champions among…

AVOCADO TOAST – Ghumi Ghumi For Fashionistas

Good breakfast. A cool snack if breakfast was light and there was still time before lunch. But as with any dish, the quality of the ingredients comes first. The best bread, ripe avocados,…

Healthline Videos

© 2024 Healthline Media LLC. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See…

What A Nutrition Scientist Eats In A Day

As a nutrition scientist who’s an expert on how food affects the human body, MyFitnessPal scientific advisor Dr. Nicola Guess is well-versed in all things healthy eating. So knowing all she…

Top Gifts For Men (Ideas For Father’s Day, Bday, and More)

What do you do for gifts when the man in your life is hard to shop for? I’ve been trying to answer that question for years. It always seems tougher…

DIY Seaweed Face Mask

My kids are used to seeing me with oddly colored things smeared on my face by now. Homemade face masks, like this probiotic yogurt facial mask, are great for hydrating…

Legalized Weed is Landing More Seniors in the E.R.

The Study The study looked at 2,322 emergency room visits for cannabis poisoning among people 65 and older in Ontario. The visits spanned 2015 through 2022, allowing researchers to see…

Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic

Countries around the globe have failed to reach consensus on the terms of a treaty that would unify the world in a strategy against the inevitable next pandemic, trumping the…

How to Talk About Sex With Your Partner

As a reporter who covers sex and intimacy, I spend a lot of time listening to experts extol the virtues of open, honest communication. To have good sex — and…