Natural Remedies for ADHD in Children

ADHD is a very common diagnosis in children and adolescents. (Adults can have it, too). So, many families have questions. They want to know whether there are natural ways to…

How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Potent Cold + Flu Remedy)

Elderberries are one of my most used go-to remedies for cooler months. The dried berries of the Sambucus nigra plant are naturally high in immune-boosting compounds that help with colds…

How to Make a Natural DIY Vapor Rub

Hopefully cold and flu season won’t strike your home this year. But in case it does, this natural vapor rub is a good home remedy to have around. It’s safe…

Home Remedies For Pink Eye

Eye problems are never fun, especially for kids. Pink eye is a common childhood ailment that can also spread to adults. With these home remedies for pink eye though, you’ll…

Sea Moss Gummies (With Apple Cinnamon)

I’ve been known to try some interesting things in the name of health. We can add eat seaweed to that list too. Sea moss has gained popularity in recent years…

Lemon Magnesium Gummies Recipe

I’ve been on a gummy kick lately as a fun and tasty way to increase our nutrient intake. While I’ve made healthy gelatin in different ways over the years, I…

Inspiring Aronia Berry Recipes

I’ve talked about aronia berry before, but it deserves another mention. These super berries are packed with health benefits and can be used in many different ways. Here are some…

What It Is and How to (Really) Do Them

I’ve had a lot of questions over the years about how to do a liver cleanse. In today’s toxin-filled world, our liver & gallbladder can certainly take a beating. Here’s…

How to Make an Ashwagandha Tincture (Plus Benefits!)

With all the stress of modern-day life, it can start to take a toll on our health. Adaptogens like ashwagandha help mitigate the effects and support the nervous system. Plus…

How to Make a Digestion Tincture

This digestion tincture is by far the most used tincture in my home remedy cabinet. It’s simple to make, but effective against lots of digestive issues. If you’re dealing with…

Homemade Healing Salve

Last week, within the span of one day, three of my kids needed a Band-Aid for some reason. With six kids who like to climb, jump, and live in their…

Herbal Sunburn Soothing Ice Cubes

Since our family moved near the beach several years ago, we find ourselves there a lot. While I’m all for healthy sun exposure, sunburn ideally isn’t a part of that.…

Home Remedies For Nausea

Indigestion, motion sickness, morning sickness… all of us experience nausea at some point. I still remember a particularly bad case of food poisoning from years ago! Dealing with nausea is…

Why We Need Minerals (Plus a Mineral Drink Recipe!)

Thanks to modern farming practices, our food has less than 50% of the minerals it used to. Even our drinking water is mineral depleted. Getting enough takes a little more…

Remineralizing Tooth Powder Recipe

My remineralizing toothpaste is one of the most visited posts at Wellness Mama. Over the years I’ve had a lot of emails from people who’ve switched and love it. After…

How to Make Gummy Vitamins

I get a lot of questions about how I get my kids to take vitamins. While mine will just take their fish oil, probiotics, and magnesium without a problem ……

DIY Turmeric Bomb Supplements

Turmeric is something you’ll always find in my kitchen (and my medicine cabinet). Known for its bright yellow color, turmeric root has numerous health benefits. It also doesn’t taste the…

Homemade Cough Drop Lollipops

Every once in a while the kids and I come down with a runny nose, sore throat, and other flu symptoms. Elderberry syrup is a staple in our home, but…

How to Make a Dual-Extraction Mushroom Tincture

Medicinal mushroom products have increased in popularity over the past decade. From mushroom coffee to mushroom chocolate, there are plenty of options. A dual-extraction mushroom tincture is another great way…

Cherry Rose Moon Milk Recipe

It’s probably no secret by now that I’m a huge proponent of a good night’s sleep. Easier said than done if you’re a mama with little ones. Over the years…

DIY Gardener’s Hand Salve Recipe

Gardening- Cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes! – Author Unknown There are so many benefits to gardening besides just the fresh produce. Gardeners are known to live longer and…